This article features a real customer paid to share their actual experience. This article contains general information and is not intended to provide information that is specific to American Express, or its products and services. Similar products and services offered by different companies will have different features and you should always read about product details before acquiring any financial product. If you were to walk into my store, Boomerang Toys, in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood, you would see aisles of unique, one-of-a-kind toys for kids and teens imported from all over the world – as well as the hottest, trendiest toys of the moment (think superhero action figures). You’d see children excitedly moving from item to item, laughing and pointing at their favorite characters, asking their guardians to purchase them. You’d also spot adults – many of them regulars for years – talking to me and my staff as we help them search for the perfect gift. And you'll see why celebrating small businesses is so crucial. The fabric of America, of our communities, are small businesses. They sponsor local school auctions, sports teams – it’s so important for customers to remember the value of small businesses. If you're a new small-business owner, I recommend dedicating time to talking to your customers about Small Business Saturday®. Some people just need a nudge to remember that you exist, and that spending money at your business actually gives back to their community. The Early Days I’m a born and bred New Yorker, but in the mid-90s I was living in London with my British husband and both of us were working in merchandising for a music record label. It was so much fun, helping to sell merch for bands traveling throughout Europe. After a few years, my husband and I moved back to New York and settled into Lower Manhattan. Our apartment was across the street from the World Trade Center. After September 11th, we were displaced and moved to a hotel for several months as the area was rebuilt. Almost a year later, I was laid off from the record company on a Friday afternoon. I didn’t expect it at all and had no idea what to do. The following day, my 4-year-old was going to a birthday party, so I needed to get a gift. A light bulb went off in my head. There was so much talk about building back Lower Manhattan, why not open a toy store down there? I didn’t have any experience in toys or retail, but I was determined to do it because the neighborhood needed it and to be honest, I wanted to be near my kids. I looked for a place where I could open my shop and found a space in an old building near my son’s nursery school. The owner met me for coffee and I remember saying to him, "I’m going to be honest with you. I have no plan. I have no experience. I have nothing but a feeling." He shook my hand and we did it. I owe him a lot because he really took a chance on me. Starting Up The name Boomerang Toys is thanks to my older son who at the time was really into superheroes – his superhero nickname at school was Blue Boomerang. For research, I would go into my sons’ rooms and look in their closets and call the companies that sold their toys. We opened in November 2002, less than six months after the idea was hatched. It was a wild and exciting time. I remember going to banks to ask for a small-business loan and them responding with a request for my business plan. I just stared blankly at them, not knowing what a business plan was. I really had no clue. Since I couldn’t get a loan, I turned to our saving account, which had about $40,000 in it. I was scared to use that money and expressed my concern to my husband. His response was, "Well, you can go get a job if it fails." So, I used our savings and just did it. It’s so important for customers to remember the value of small businesses so they can treat every day like Small Business Saturday. We opened in Tribeca, the same neighborhood where we are today. One of the keys to our success is that Tribeca happens to have a very high wealth demographic. Our customers are incredible and we are so grateful to them. I didn’t hire anyone for the first few years, but around 2004 I hired my first employee. My husband now works for the store, too. He was laid off from the record company about six years after me and started working here full-time, which is great. I remember getting a call from American Express a few years before the beginning of Small Business Saturday. They asked our opinions on Small Business Saturday and we were all thrilled. I thought it was an amazing idea. It was fun to be in on the ground floor of the concept, and I also appreciated the fact that they enlisted the feedback and advice of people who would be involved with and benefit from the special holiday. Boomerang Toys has participated in Small Business Saturday since it began. I’ve always loved all the swag – the bags, the flyers, the decorations, the balloons. These days, I still reach out for materials to promote the holiday and we advertise in the store. We will often do a promo or a giveaway for Small Business Saturday. As a small-business owner, it really matters that American Express is always looking out for small businesses. I genuinely mean that. It’s incredible that they spend so much energy propping up independent businesses. Want to learn more about how to encourage your customers to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday? Visit the Small Business Saturday Resource Hub for marketing materials and business insights that can help you engage with your customers and find new ones. You can also read stories from 15 small businesses that have seen success on Small Business Saturday and beyond. As told to Katie Morell, American Express Business Class freelance contributor Photos: Courtesy of Boomerang Toys The material made available for you on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax or financial advice. If you have questions, please consult your own professional legal, tax and financial advisors.